
(COOLLIST) Four points

Must get sleep... but first, must communicate with world.

1) (CL) #2 is almost in the can.  I have to insert some video game
scenes into my reviews and dub a copy to air, but it should be
submitted before the end of the week with airings in Austin in
mid-April.  (CL) reader and good friend Charlie Patisaul plays an
important role on this tape.  I'll have a copy of this and "Prototype"
when I hit Atlanta.

2) Having ones door open is a good thing.  Saturday night/Sunday
morning, around 12:30 A.M., I was working in my kitchen when I hear a
group of young women talking outside at ground level.  Well, I perk up
a little when one mentions needing a ride over to see some band at
South by Southwest, and that rather than getting a cab, they should
try to find someone to bring them over.  Before I knew it, I had
volunteered myself and my Saturn to the cause, and within five
minutes, the car was loaded up with me, my friend Negeen who I met
last fall, and three or four of her girlfriends.  Very interesting,
although over briefly after I dropped them all off.

3) South by Southwest was overpriced to some.  I paid no cover, but I
did get to see a decent outdoor concert by Joan Osborne.  She did not
sing "One of Us", unless it was in an encore I missed.  This morning,
as I showered, I came up with about fourteen alternate lyrics for that
song, mostly revolving around painful nose piercings.  As my coworkers
and I walked over to the show, the occupants of a cab yelled out to
me, asking it I was going to be at "the show".  I think they were the
band Moonpools and Caterpillars, mentioned here before, as I was
wearing their shirt.  I didn't get to see them, as I was passless, but
the recognition was neat.

4) There is no item 4.  Have a great week.  Congrats to recent graduates.

Peace and love, incorporated.
Benjamin L. Combee (combee@techwood.org) <URL:http://www.yak.net/combee/>
that public-access-TV-making, video-game-collecting, cryptography-pushing,
World-Wide-Web-explaining, fem-music-loving, bad-pun-creating guy in Austin
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