San Jose Scrabble(r) Club No. 21

New Words Added from OSPD3

Effective February 1996

Copyright (c) 1996 San Jose Scrabble Club No. 21 [Note: I've already encountered one "entrepreneur" who didn't understand the legal meaning of the above copyright line. You may view and print this list, unedited, for your own personal use. You may NOT erase the copyright, put your company's name at the top, and sell the list without the express written permission of the San Jose Scrabble Club. If you are interested in making copies of the list for your friends or fellow Scrabble club members, just send mail to and ask for permission. If you want to charge some price (to cover copying costs or to make a profit), please at least have the common sense to ask first. Sorry for this diatribe, but it just irked me a tad to see somebody _selling_ my labor, which I'm providing here for free, right in front of my face.]

AB           abdominal muscle
ABELIA       flowering shrub
ABELIAS      [abelia] (flowering shrub)
ABS          [ab] (abdominal muscle)
ACROLECT     most standard dialect of a language
ACROLECTS    [acrolect] (most standard dialect of a language)
ACTRESSY     [actress-adj] (female actor)
ADSORBER     [adsorb-n] (to adhere to a surface in a thin layer)
ADSORBERS    [adsorber] (adsorb-to adhere to a surface in a thin layer)
ADZUKI       edible Japanese bean
ADZUKIS      [adzuki] (edible Japanese bean)
AGENTING     activities of an agent
AGENTINGS    [agenting] (activities of an agent)
AIRHOLE      hole allowing for air passage
AIRHOLES     [airhole] (hole allowing for air passage)
AIRPOWER     military air strength
AIRPOWERS    [airpower] (military air strength)
AISLEWAY     aisle
AISLEWAYS    [aisleway] (aisle)
ALKOXIDE     salt formed from an alcohol
ALKOXIDES    [alkoxide] (salt formed from an alcohol)
ALLEE        tree-lined walkway
ALLEES       [allee] (tree-lined walkway)
AMARETTI     macaroons made with bitter almonds
AMBERINA     lightly colored American glassware
AMBERINAS    [amberina] (lightly colored American glassware)
AMICI        [amicus-pl] (unbiased advisor in court)
AMICUS       unbiased advisor in court
AMOSITE      iron-rich mineral
AMOSITES     [amosite] (iron-rich mineral)
ANAPHOR      word repeated anaphorically
ANAPHORS     [anaphor] (word repeated anaphorically)
ANTBEAR      aardvark
ANTBEARS     [antbear] (aardvark)
ANTIAIR      designed to attack aircraft
ANTIDRUG     opposed to use of illicit drugs
ANTIFLU      effective against the flu
ANTIFUR      opposed to killing of animals for their fur
ANTILOCK     designed to stop a vehicle's brakes from locking
ANTIPORN     opposed to pornography
ANTIROCK     opposed to rock music
APROTIC      unable to act as a proton donor
ARABICA      evergreen coffee shrub
ARABICAS     [arabica] (evergreen coffee shrub)
ARKOSIC      [arkose-adj] (sandstone)
ASANA        yogic posture
ASANAS       [asana] (yogic posture)
ASHFALL      deposited volcanic ash
ASHFALLS     [ashfall] (deposited volcanic ash)
ASTILBE      Asian flower
ASTILBES     [astilbe] (Asian flower)
ATACTIC      having a nonsymmetrical chemical structure
ATEMOYA      tropical fruit
ATEMOYAS     [atemoya] (tropical fruit)
ATOMISER     [atomise] (to atomize)
ATOMISERS    [atomiser] (atomise-to atomize)
ATT          Laotian monetary unit
ATTABOY      intj. expressing praise
AUDIAL       pert. to the ear (aural)
AUTISTICS    [autistic] (one suffering from autism)
AUTOLYSE     to break down using self-produced enzymes (autolyze)
AUTOLYSED    [autolyse] (to break down using self-produced enzymes)
AUTOLYSES    [autolysis-pl]
AUTOLYSING   [autolyse] (to break down using self-produced enzymes)
AVANT        culturally ahead of the time
AXION        hypothetical subatomic particle
AXIONS       [axion] (hypothetical subatomic particle)
BACKDROPPED  [backdrop] (to create a background for a stage)
BACKDROPPING [backdrop] (to create a background for a stage)
BACKFIT      to retrofit
BACKFITS     [backfit] (to retrofit)
BACKFITTED   [backfit] (to retrofit)
BACKFITTING  [backfit] (to retrofit)
BACKFLOW     flow back toward the source
BACKFLOWS    [backflow] (flow back toward the source)
BACKLAND     remote rural land
BACKLANDS    [backland] (remote rural land)
BACKROOM     occurring behind the scenes
BACTERIAS    [bacteria] (microscopic organism)
BAGHOUSE     bag used to filter a gas stream
BAGHOUSES    [baghouse] (bag used to filter a gas stream)
BANJAX       to damage
BANJAXED     [banjax] (to damage)
BANJAXES     [banjax] (to damage)
BANJAXING    [banjax] (to damage)
BANKERLY     [banker-adj] (one who runs a bank)
BANNERED     [banner] (to provide with a banner)
BANNERING    [banner] (to provide with a banner)
BANTENG      Asian wild ox
BANTENGS     [banteng] (Asian wild ox)
BAP          small roll
BAPS         [bap] (small roll)
BASINFUL     amount held by a basin
BASINFULS    [basinful] (amount held by a basin)
BASMATI      Asian aromatic rice
BASMATIS     [basmati] (Asian aromatic rice)
BAYMAN       bay fisherman
BAYMEN       [bayman] (bay fisherman)
BEAUCOUP     very many
BEDU         nomadic Arab (bedouin)
BEELINED     [beeline] (to head directly toward)
BEELINING    [beeline] (to head directly toward)
BEEYARD      apiary
BEEYARDS     [beeyard] (apiary)
BEGLAMOR     to deceive with glamour (beglamour)
BEGLAMORED   [beglamor] (to deceive with glamour)
BEGLAMORING  [beglamor] (to deceive with glamour)
BEGLAMORS    [beglamor] (to deceive with glamour)
BEJEEZUS     insides (bejesus-oath)
BELTER       [belt-n] (to fasten with a belt)
BELTERS      [belter] (belt-to fasten with a belt)
BERBERIS     barberry
BERBERISES   [berberis] (barberry)
BHARAL       Himalayan goatlike mammal
BHARALS      [bharal] (Himalayan goatlike mammal)
BIGS         major leagues
BINGER       [binge-n] (to indulge without restraint)
BINGERS      [binger] (binge-to indulge without restraint)
BIOCHIP      computer chip consisting of biological molecules
BIOCHIPS     [biochip] (computer chip consisting of biological molecules)
BIOPIC       biographical movie
BIOPICS      [biopic] (biographical movie)
BIOPSIED     [biopsy] (to remove and examine tissue from a living body)
BIOPSYING    [biopsy] (to remove and examine tissue from a living body)
BIPHASIC     having two phases
BIRDSONG     song of a bird
BIRDSONGS    [birdsong] (song of a bird)
BIZZES       [biz] (business)
BLOWDOWN     instance of trees blown down by wind
BLOWDOWNS    [blowdown] (instance of trees blown down by wind)
BLUB         to weep noisily (blubber) {Brit}
BLUBBED      [blub] (to weep noisily-Brit)
BLUBBING     [blub] (to weep noisily-Brit)
BLUBS        [blub] (to weep noisily-Brit)
BLUDGER      loafer {Aussie}
BLUDGERS     [bludger] (loafer-Aussie)
BLUETICK     American coonhound
BLUETICKS    [bluetick] (American coonhound)
BOATFUL      amount held by a boat
BOATFULS     [boatful] (amount held by a boat)
BOATLIKE     resembling a boat
BODHRAN      Irish goatskin drum
BODHRANS     [bodhran] (Irish goatskin drum)
BOLDS        [bold] (heavy-face type)
BOOGEY       to dance to rock music (boogie)
BOOGEYED     [boogey] (to dance to rock music)
BOOGEYING    [boogey] (to dance to rock music)
BOOGEYS      [boogey] (to dance to rock music)
BOOKABLE     capable of being booked
BOOTABLE     capable of being booted
BOPEEP       children's game (peekaboo)
BOPEEPS      [bopeep] (peekaboo)
BREADY       resembling bread
BRO          brother
BROKING      brokerage {Brit}
BROKINGS     [broking] (brokerage-Brit)
BROOKIE      brook trout
BROOKIES     [brookie] (brook trout)
BROS         [bro] (brother)
BROWED       [brow-adj] (forehead)
BULIMICS     [bulimic] (one suffering from bulimia)
BUNGEE       elasticized cord
BUNGEES      [bungee] (elasticized cord)
BUPPIE       black yuppie
BUPPIES      [buppie] (black yuppie)
BUSHPIG      wild African pig
BUSHPIGS     [bushpig] (wild African pig)
BUSLOAD      number of passengers filling a bus
BUSLOADS     [busload] (number of passengers filling a bus)
BUSTLINE     measurement of the line around the bust
BUSTLINES    [bustline] (measurement of the line around the bust)
BUTE         analgesic drug (phenylbutazone)
CAFF         cafe {Brit}
CAFFS        [caff] (cafe-Brit)
CALO         Chicano argot
CALOTYPE     photographic process using paper negatives
CALOTYPES    [calotype] (photographic process using paper negatives)
CANOLA       plant whose seeds are used for vegetable oil
CARBO        carbohydrate
CARBOS       [carbo] (carbohydrate)
CARR         marsh
CARRS        [carr] (marsh)
CARTOONY     [cartoon-adj] (to sketch a humorous representation of)
CASTABLE     capable of being cast
CATCLAW      North American acacia
CATCLAWS     [catclaw] (North American acacia)
CATFIGHT     fight between two women
CATFIGHTS    [catfight] (fight between two women)
CEL          drawn frame of animation
CELS         [cel] (drawn frame of animation)
CHAINSAW     to cut with a chain saw
CHAINSAWED   [chainsaw] (to cut with a chain saw)
CHAINSAWING  [chainsaw] (to cut with a chain saw)
CHAINSAWS    [chainsaw] (to cut with a chain saw)
CHAPPATI     Indian bread (chapati)
CHAPPATIS    [chappati] (Indian bread-chapati)
CHELIPED     crustacean leg
CHELIPEDS    [cheliped] (crustacean leg)
CHIPPIER     [chippy] (agressive and belligerent)
CHIPPIEST    [chippy] (agressive and belligerent)
CHOOK        chicken
CHOOKS       [chook] (chicken)
CITRUSY      [citrus-adj] (fruit-bearing tree)
CLADE        group of biological taxa
CLADES       [clade] (group of biological taxa)
CLADIST      specialist in cladistics 
CLADISTS     [cladist] (specialist in cladistics)
CLAWLIKE     resembling a claw
CLITIC       word pronounced as part of a neighboring word
CLITICS      [clitic] (word pronounced as part of a neighboring word)
CLOGGER      [clog-n] (to block up)
CLOGGERS     [clogger] (clog-to block up)
CLUBBISH     resembling a club
CLUELESS     hopelessly naive
COANCHOR     to share the duties of anchoring a broadcast
COANCHORED   [coanchor] (to share the duties of anchoring a broadcast)
COANCHORING  [coanchor] (to share the duties of anchoring a broadcast)
COANCHORS    [coanchor] (to share the duties of anchoring a broadcast)
COCOYAM      taro
COCOYAMS     [cocoyam] (taro)
COKEHEAD     compulsive cocaine user
COKEHEADS    [cokehead] (compulsive cocaine user)
COLLIDER     particle accelerator which colides beams of particles
COLLIDERS    [collider] (particle accelerator which colides beams of particles)
COLORIZE     to use a computer to add color to
COLORIZED    [colorize] (to use a computer to add color to)
COLORIZES    [colorize] (to use a computer to add color to)
COLORIZING   [colorize] (to use a computer to add color to)
COLORMAN     sportscaster who adds game analysis and anecdotes
COLORMEN     [colorman] (sportscaster who adds game analysis and anecdotes)
COMEMBER     joint member
COMEMBERS    [comember] (joint member)
CONFIT       meat cooked and preserved in its own fat
CONFITS      [confit] (meat cooked and preserved in its own fat)
COOKTOP      flat range top
COOKTOPS     [cooktop] (flat range top)
COOLDOWN     act of following strenuous exercise with less strenuous exercise
COOLDOWNS    [cooldown] (act of following strenuous exercise with less strenuous exercise)
COOTER       American turtle
COOTERS      [cooter] (American turtle)
CORNPONE     corn bread
CORNPONES    [cornpone] (corn bread)
CORONATE     to crown
CORONATED    [coronate] (to crown)
CORONATES    [coronate] (to crown)
CORONATING   [coronate] (to crown)
CORULER      joint ruler
CORULERS     [coruler] (joint ruler)
COTTERED     [cotter-adj] (fastening pin or wedge)
COULIS       thick sauce of pureed vegetable or fruit
COULISES     [coulis] (thick sauce of pureed vegetable or fruit)
CRANKISH     bad-tempered
CREOLISE     to turn a pidgin language into a creole (creolize-Brit)
CREOLISED    [creolise] (to turn a pidgin language into a creole)
CREOLISES    [creolise] (to turn a pidgin language into a creole)
CREOLISING   [creolise] (to turn a pidgin language into a creole)
CREOLIZE     to turn a pidgin language into a creole
CREOLIZED    [creolize] (to turn a pidgin language into a creole)
CREOLIZES    [creolize] (to turn a pidgin language into a creole)
CREOLIZING   [creolize] (to turn a pidgin language into a creole)
CREWMATE     fellow crewman
CREWMATES    [crewmate] (fellow crewman)
CUDDLER      [cuddle-n] (to hug tenderly)
CUDDLERS     [cuddler] (cuddle-to hug tenderly)
CULTLIKE     resembling a cult
CURATED      [curate] (to act as curator for)
CURATING     [curate] (to act as curator for)
CUSTARDY     [custard-adj] (dessert)
CYTOKINE     substance that regulates the immune system
CYTOKINES    [cytokine] (substance that regulates the immune system)
DEADLIFT     to lift weight from the floor to hip level {weightlifting}
DEADLIFTED   [deadlift] (to lift weight from the floor to hip level)
DEADLIFTING  [deadlift] (to lift weight from the floor to hip level)
DEADLIFTS    [deadlift] (to lift weight from the floor to hip level)
DEBEAK       to remove the beak of
DEBEAKED     [debeak] (to remove the beak of)
DEBEAKING    [debeak] (to remove the beak of)
DEBEAKS      [debeak] (to remove the beak of)
DEBUGGER     [debug-n] (to rid of bugs)
DEBUGGERS    [debugger] (debug-to rid of bugs)
DECISIONED   [decision] (to win a boxing decision over)
DECISIONING  [decision] (to win a boxing decision over)
DEERLIKE     resembling a deer
DEFLATER     [deflate-n] (to release the air or gas from)
DEFLATERS    [deflater] (deflate-to release the air or gas from)
DEFUND       to withdraw funding from
DEFUNDED     [defund] (to withdraw funding from)
DEFUNDING    [defund] (to withdraw funding from)
DEFUNDS      [defund] (to withdraw funding from)
DEIXIS       demonstrative function of certain words
DEIXISES     [deixis] (demonstrative function of certain words)
DELPHIC      ambiguous
DENTILED     [dentil-adj] (small rectangular block)
DEONTIC      pert. to moral obligation
DEOXY        containing less oxygen in the molecule than the compound
DERATE       to lower the rating of
DERATED      [derate] (to lower the rating of)
DERATES      [derate] (to lower the rating of)
DERATING     [derate] (to lower the rating of)
DESOXY       containing less oxygen in the molecule than the compound (deoxy)
DEWORMER     [deworm-n] (to rid of worms)
DEWORMERS    [dewormer] (deworm-to rid of worms)
DINGER       home run
DINGERS      [dinger] (home run)
DINITRO      containing two nitro groups
DIOECIES     [dioecy] (state of being dioecious)
DIOECY       state of being dioecious
DIOXAN       flammable liquid (dioxane)
DIOXANS      [dioxan] (flammable liquid-dioxane)
DIPNET       to scoop fish from water using a dip net
DIPNETS      [dipnet] (to scoop fish from water using a dip net)
DIPNETTED    [dipnet] (to scoop fish from water using a dip net)
DIPNETTING   [dipnet] (to scoop fish from water using a dip net)
DIRTBAG      contemptible person
DIRTBAGS     [dirtbag] (contemptible person)
DIS          to disrespect
DISS         to disrespect (dis)
DISSED       [dis] (to disrespect)
DISSES       [dis] (to disrespect)
DISSING      [dis] (to disrespect)
DITZ         ditzy person
DITZES       [ditz] (ditzy person)
DOGSLEDDED   [dogsled] (to ride a sled drawn by dogs)
DOGSLEDDING  [dogsled] (to ride a sled drawn by dogs)
DONNIKER     toilet (donnicker)
DONNIKERS    [donniker] (toilet-donnicker)
DOOFUS       incompetent fool
DOOFUSES     [doofus] (incompetent fool)
DOOMILY      [doomy-adv] (ominous)
DOOMY        ominous (doomful)
DOPEHEAD     drug addict
DOPEHEADS    [dopehead] (drug addict)
DOWNLAND     treeless upland with sparse soil
DOWNLANDS    [downland] (treeless upland with sparse soil)
DOWNLINK     channel for receiving communications
DOWNLINKS    [downlink] (channel for receiving communications)
DOWNPIPE     pipe draining rainwater from the roof (downspout)
DOWNPIPES    [downpipe] (pipe draining rainwater from the roof)
DRAMEDIES    [dramedy] (sitcom with dramatic scenes)
DRAMEDY      sitcom with dramatic scenes
DRYSTONE     constructed of stone without the use of mortar
DUCTWORK     system of ducts (ducting)
DUCTWORKS    [ductwork] (system of ducts)
DUKED        [duke] (to engage in fistfighting)
DUKING       [duke] (to engage in fistfighting)
DUMBCANE     poisonous houseplant (dieffenbachia)
DUMBCANES    [dumbcane] (dieffenbachia)
DWEEB        inept person
DWEEBS       [dweeb] (inept person)
DYNEIN       enzyme
ECHELLE      diffraction grating
ECHELLES     [echelle] (diffraction grating)
ECHOS        [echo] (to repeat)
ECONOBOX     small economical car
ECONOBOXES   [econobox] (small economical car)
ED           education
EGLOMISE     decorated by a painting on the rear surface of glass
EISWEIN      sweet German wine made from frozen grapes
EISWEINS     [eiswein] (sweet German wine made from frozen grapes)
ELDRESS      female elder
ELDRESSES    [eldress] (female elder)
EMF          electromotive force
EMFS         [emf] (electromotive force)
ENOKI        edible Japanese mushroom (enokidake)
ENOKIS       [enoki] (edible Japanese mushroom)
EPITOPE      region on an antigen's surface which elicits an immune response
EPITOPES     [epitope] (region on an antigen's surface which elicits an immune response)
EQUID        mammal
EQUIDS       [equid] (mammal)
ERGATIVE     pert. to a type of language
ETOUFFEE     Cajun stew
ETOUFFEES    [etouffee] (Cajun stew)
EXPAT        expatriate
EXPATS       [expat] (expatriate)
EYEBAR       metal bar with closed loops at its ends
EYEBARS      [eyebar] (metal bar with closed loops at its ends)
EYEDROPS     medicated solution for the eyes
EYEWEAR      devices worn over the eyes
FACTOID      invented fact
FACTOIDS     [factoid] (invented fact)
FALLAWAY     jumpshot made while moving away from the basket {basketball}
FALLAWAYS    [fallaway] (jumpshot made while moving away from the basket-basketball)
FANCIFIED    [fancify] (to make ornate)
FANCIFIES    [fancify] (to make ornate)
FANCIFY      to make ornate
FANCIFYING   [fancify] (to make ornate)
FARMWIFE     farmer's wife
FARMWIVES    [farmwife-pl] (farmer's wife)
FARMWORK     work done on a farm
FARMWORKS    [farmwork] (work done on a farm)
FARSIDE      farther side
FARSIDES     [farside] (farther side)
FATWA        Islamic legal decree
FATWAS       [fatwa] (Islamic legal decree)
FATWOOD      kindling wood (lightwood)
FATWOODS     [fatwood] (kindling wood)
FAVA         broad bean
FAVAS        [fava] (broad bean)
FAVE         favorite
FAVELLA      slum area (favela)
FAVELLAS     [favella] (slum area-favela)
FAVES        [fave] (favorite)
FEIJOA       edible fruit
FEIJOAS      [feijoa] (edible fruit)
FELTLIKE     resembling felt
FENLAND      marshy area
FENLANDS     [fenland] (marshy area)
FIDDLY       fussy
FIFTYISH     being about fifty
FILMABLE     capable of being filmed
FIREABLE     capable of being fired
FIREBACK     back wall lining of a fireplace
FIREBACKS    [fireback] (back wall lining of a fireplace)
FIRELIT      [firelight-adj] (light from a fire)
FIREPOT      clay pot used for cooking
FIREPOTS     [firepot] (clay pot used for cooking)
FLAKEY       tending to flake (flaky)
FLATMATE     fellow tenant of a flat
FLATMATES    [flatmate] (fellow tenant of a flat)
FLIPPY       loose and flaring at the bottom
FLORALS      [floral] (floral pattern)
FLUXGATE     device used to measure a magnetic field
FLUXGATES    [fluxgate] (device used to measure a magnetic field)
FOCACCIA     seasoned Italian bread
FOCACCIAS    [focaccia] (seasoned Italian bread)
FOLKLIFE     traditions and activities of a people
FOLKLIVES    [folklife-pl] (traditions and activities of a people)
FOODWAYS     eating habits of a people
FORMWORK     forms used to hold wet concrete in place
FORMWORKS    [formwork] (forms used to hold wet concrete in place)
FORTYISH     being about forty
FOSSAS       [fossa] (catlike mammal)
FOUETTE      ballet movement
FOUETTES     [fouette] (ballet movement)
FOXHUNT      to hunt foxes
FOXHUNTED    [foxhunt] (to hunt foxes)
FOXHUNTING   sport of hunting a fox
FOXHUNTS     [foxhunt] (to hunt foxes)
FRASS        insect excrement
FRASSES      [frass] (insect excrement)
FUNNER       [fun] (entertaining)
FUNNEST      [fun] (entertaining)
FUSILLI      spiral-shaped pasta
FUSILLIS     [fusilli] (spiral-shaped pasta)
GAGAKU       ancient Japanese court music
GAGAKUS      [gagaku] (ancient Japanese court music)
GAIJIN       foreigner {Japanese}
GAMERS       [gamer] (player who relishes competition)
GAMESMAN     game player
GAMESMEN     [gamesman] (game player)
GANACHE      sweet creamy chocolate mixture
GANACHES     [ganache] (sweet creamy chocolate mixture)
GASSILY      [gassy-adv] (containing gas)
GAWPER       [gawp-n] (gawk)
GAWPERS      [gawper] (gawp-gawk)
GAZANIA      South African composite herb
GAZANIAS     [gazania] (South African composite herb)
GAZAR        sheer silk fabric
GAZARS       [gazar] (sheer silk fabric)
GEEZ         intj. used as a mild oath (jeez)
GEN          knowledge obtained by investigation
GENTOO       Antarctic penguin
GENTOOS      [gentoo] (Antarctic penguin)
GHARIAL      large reptile (gavial)
GHARIALS     [gharial] (large reptile-gavial)
GHOULIE      ghoul
GHOULIES     [ghoulie] (ghoul)
GIGABYTE     1,024 megabytes
GIGABYTES    [gigabyte] (1,024 megabytes)
GIMMES       [gimme] (something so easily achieved that it is conceded)
GITS         [git] (foolish person-Brit)
GITTIN       [get-pl] (Jewish divorce)
GLASNOST     Soviet policy of open discussion
GLASNOSTS    [glasnost] (Soviet policy of open discussion)
GLEYED       [gley-adj] (soil layer)
GLEYING      conversion into gley (gleization)
GLEYINGS     [gleying] (conversion into gley)
GLUCAN       sugar
GLUCANS      [glucan] (sugar)
GOALWARD     toward a goal
GODET        inset placed into a seam to give fullness
GODETS       [godet] (inset placed into a seam to give fullness)
GOLLYWOG     grotesque black doll (golliwog)
GOLLYWOGS    [gollywog] (grotesque black doll)
GRANDDAM     animal's grandmother
GRANDDAMS    [granddam] (animal's grandmother)
GRANDKID     grandchild
GRANDKIDS    [grandkid] (grandchild)
GRANITA      coarse-textured ice confection
GRANITAS     [granita] (coarse-textured ice confection)
GRATINEED    to cook au gratin
GRATINEEING  to cook au gratin
GRATINEES    to cook au gratin
GRAVLAKS     cured salmon (gravlax)
GRAVLAX      cured salmon
GREENWAY     corridor of undeveloped land in a city
GREENWAYS    [greenway] (corridor of undeveloped land in a city)
GRIDLOCKED   [gridlock] (to cause a traffic jam by blocking intersections)
GRIDLOCKING  [gridlock] (to cause a traffic jam by blocking intersections)
GRINCH       spoilsport
GRINCHES     [grinch] (spoilsport)
GRIPMAN      cable car operator
GRIPMEN      [gripman] (cable car operator)
GROWTHIER    [growthy] (rapidly growing)
GROWTHIEST   [growthy] (rapidly growing)
GROWTHY      rapidly growing
GUERIDON     small ornately carved table
GUERIDONS    [gueridon] (small ornately carved table)
GUNITE       building material consisting of cement, sand, and water
GUNITES      [gunite] (building material consisting of cement, sand, and water)
GUYLINE      wire used to hold up a radio tower
GUYLINES     [guyline] (wire used to hold up a radio tower)
GYRASE       enzyme that catalyzes joining of DNA bonds
GYRASES      [gyrase] (enzyme that catalyzes joining of DNA bonds)
HADITH       narrative record of Muhammed's sayings
HADITHS      [hadith] (narrative record of Muhammed's sayings)
HALMA        board game
HALMAS       [halma] (board game)
HANDBELL     small bell with a handle
HANDBELLS    [handbell] (small bell with a handle)
HANDHELD     object held in the hand
HANDHELDS    [handheld] (object held in the hand)
HANDOVER     change of control
HANDOVERS    [handover] (change of control)
HANGUL       Korean alphabetic script

HANIWA       large hollow baked clay sculptures
HAWKEYED     having keen sight
HELO         helicopter
HELOS        [helo] (helicopter)
HERSTORIES   history with a feminist viewpoint
HERSTORY     [herstory] (history with a feminist viewpoint)
HIGHSPOT     high point
HIGHSPOTS    [highspot] (high point)
HISSIES      [hissy] (tantrum)
HISSY        tantrum
HOBBIT       friendly member of a fictitious race
HOBBITS      [hobbit] (friendly member of a fictitious race)
HOMEBOY      boy from one's own neighborhood
HOMEBOYS     [homeboy] (boy from one's own neighborhood)
HOMEOBOX     short DNA sequence
HOMEOBOXES   [homeobox] (short DNA sequence)
HOMEOTIC     pert. to a gene which causes a major developmental shift
HOMEPORT     to provide with a home port
HOMEPORTED   [homeport] (to provide with a home port)
HOMEPORTING  [homeport] (to provide with a home port)
HOMEPORTS    [homeport] (to provide with a home port)
HOODIER      [hoody] (resembling a hoodlum)
HOODIEST     [hoody] (resembling a hoodlum)
HOODY        resembling a hoodlum
HOOVED       [hoof-adj] (covering on horse's foot)
HOPPIER      [hoppy] (having the taste of hops)
HOPPIEST     [hoppy] (having the taste of hops)
HOPPINGS     [hopping] (act of going to different places of the same type)
HOPPY        having the taste of hops
HOSEPIPE     flexible tube used to convey fluids
HOSEPIPES    [hosepipe] (flexible tube used to convey fluids)
HOSTELLED    [hostel] (to stay at inns overnight while traveling)
HOSTELLING   [hostel] (to stay at inns overnight while traveling)
HUMVEE       military jeep
HUMVEES      [humvee] (military jeep)
HUNGOVER     suffering from a hangover
HUNKIER      [hunky] (muscularly attractive)
HUNKIEST     [hunky] (muscularly attractive)
IFF          if and only if
IKAT         fabric weaved from tie-dyed yarns
IKATS        [ikat] (fabric weaved from tie-dyed yarns)
IMAGINGS     [imaging] (process of producing an image)
INCENTER     single point at which three bisectors intersect
INCENTERS    [incenter] (single point at which three bisectors intersect)
INFALL       infalling movement
INFALLS      [infall] (infalling movement)
INHIBIN      male human hormone
INHIBINS     [inhibin] (male human hormone)
INKSTONE     stone used for art and writing {Chinese}
INKSTONES    [inkstone] (stone used for art and writing-Chinese)
INVAR        iron-nickel alloy
INVARS       [invar] (iron-nickel alloy)
IODISE       to treat with iodine (iodize-Brit)
IODISED      [iodise] (to treat with iodine)
IODISES      [iodise] (to treat with iodine)
IODISING     [iodise] (to treat with iodine)
IROKO        large tropical African tree
IROKOS       [iroko] (large tropical African tree)
ITEMISE      to break down into a list of items (itemize-Brit)
ITEMISED     [itemise] (to itemize)
ITEMISES     [itemise] (to itemize)
ITEMISING    [itemise] (to itemize)
JAMMIER      [jammy] (resembling jam)
JAMMIES      pajamas
JAMMIEST     [jammy] (resembling jam)
JAMMY        resembling jam
JANGLIER     [jangly] (marked by jangling)
JANGLIEST    [jangly] (marked by jangling)
JANGLY       marked by jangling
JARHEAD      member of the U.S. Marine Corps
JARHEADS     [jarhead] (member of the U.S. Marine Corps)
JETLIKE      resembling a jet
JIVEY        sounding like a special jargon
JIVIER       [jivey] (sounding like a special jargon)
JIVIEST      [jivey] (sounding like a special jargon)
JOKILY       [jokey-adv] (amusing)
JOKINESS     [jokey-n] (amusing)
JOKINESSES   [jokiness] (jokey-amusing)
JUNGLED      abounding in jungle
JURIED       [jury] (to select as appropriate for an exhibition)
JURYING      [jury] (to select as appropriate for an exhibition)
KAKIEMON     Japanese enamel-decorated porcelain
KAKIEMONS    [kakiemon] (Japanese enamel-decorated porcelain)
KANBAN       manufacturing strategy where parts are delivered only as needed
KANBANS      [kanban] (manufacturing strategy where parts are delivered only as needed)
KARAOKE      machine that records user singing along with prerecorded music
KARAOKES     [karaoke] (machine that records user singing along with prerecorded music)
KATA         set of performed positions and movements
KATAS        [kata] (set of performed positions and movements)
KEFFIYEH     large kerchief (kaffiyeh)
KEFFIYEHS    [keffiyeh] (large kerchief)
KELIM        oriental tapestry (kilim)
KELIMS       [kelim] (oriental tapestry-kilim)
KERMESSE     outdoor festival (kermis)
KIBBI        Near Eastern dish of ground lamb and bulgur (kibbe)
KIBBIS       [kibbi] (Near Eastern dish of ground lamb and bulgur)
KIBBITZ      to offer unwanted opinions (kibitz)
KIBBITZED    [kibbitz] (to offer unwanted opinions)
KIBBITZES    [kibbitz] (to offer unwanted opinions)
KIBBITZING   [kibbitz] (to offer unwanted opinions)
KILOBASE     unit measuring the length of nucleic-acid chains
KILOBASES    [kilobase] (unit measuring the length of nucleic-acid chains)
KNEESOCK     knee-high sock
KNEESOCKS    [kneesock] (knee-high sock)
KOI          large Japanese carp
KORAI        [kore-pl] (ancient Greek statue of a clothed young woman)
KORE         ancient Greek statue of a clothed young woman
KOUPREY      Cambodian short-haired ox
KOUPREYS     [kouprey] (Cambodian short-haired ox)
KOUROI       [kouros-pl] (ancient Greek statue of a nude male youth)
KOUROS       ancient Greek statue of a nude male youth
KVETCHIER    [kvetchy] (tending to complain)
KVETCHIEST   [kvetchy] (tending to complain)
KVETCHY      tending to complain
KYBOSH       to stop (kibosh)
KYBOSHED     [kybosh] (to stop-kibosh)
KYBOSHES     [kybosh] (to stop-kibosh)
KYBOSHING    [kybosh] (to stop-kibosh)
LAARI        monetary unit of the Maldive Islands
LAKELIKE     resembling a lake
LAMBIER      [lamby] (resembling a lamb)
LAMBIEST     [lamby] (resembling a lamb)
LAMBY        resembling a lamb
LANDGRAB     swift acquisition of land
LANDGRABS    [landgrab] (swift acquisition of land)
LANDLINE     land-based communication cable
LANDLINES    [landline] (land-based communication cable)
LANEWAY      lane
LANEWAYS     [laneway] (lane)
LECHWE       African antelope
LECHWES      [lechwe] (African antelope)
LENITION     change from fortis to lenis articulation
LENITIONS    [lenition] (change from fortis to lenis articulation)
LENSMAN      photographer
LENSMEN      [lensman] (photographer)
LIRI         [lira-pl] (Maltese monetary unit)
LISTEE       one that is included on a list
LISTEES      [listee] (one that is included on a list)
LITE         having a reduced calorie content
LITHIFIED    [lithify] (to convert into stone)
LITHIFIES    [lithify] (to convert into stone)
LITHIFY      to convert into stone (petrify)
LITHIFYING   [lithify] (to convert into stone)
LOCHAN       small lake
LOCHANS      [lochan] (small lake)
LOCKDOWN     confinement of prisoners to their cells
LOCKDOWNS    [lockdown] (confinement of prisoners to their cells)
LOFTLIKE     resembling a loft
LOTTE        monkfish
LOTTES       [lotte] (monkfish)
LOWLIGHT     notably bad event or part
LOWLIGHTS    [lowlight] (notably bad event or part)
LUGER        [luge-n] (to race on a luge)
LUGERS       [luger] (luge-to race on a luge)
LUMINISM     painting using the effects of light
LUMINISMS    [luminism] (painting using the effects of light)
LUNGFUL      amount held by a lung
LUNGFULS     [lungful] (amount held by a lung)
LUTEFISK     dried codfish that has been soaked in lye
LUTEFISKS    [lutefisk] (dried codfish that has been soaked in lye)
LUTZ         figure-skating jump
LUTZES       [lutz] (figure-skating jump)
MACUMBA      African polytheistic religion
MACUMBAS     [macumba] (African polytheistic religion)
MAJORLY      extremely
MAKEOVER     act of making over
MAKEOVERS    [makeover] (act of making over)
MAROCAIN     ribbed crepe fabric
MAROCAINS    [marocain] (ribbed crepe fabric)
MATELOT      sailor {Brit}
MATELOTS     [matelot] (sailor-Brit)
MAX          maximum
MAXES        [max] (maximum)
MEATED       [meat-adj] (edible part of an animal)
MEERKAT      African mongoose
MEERKATS     [meerkat] (African mongoose)
MEGACITIES   [megacity] (very large city)
MEGACITY     very large city
MEGADEAL     business deal involving a lot of money
MEGADEALS    [megadeal] (business deal involving a lot of money)
MEGAHIT      something that is extremely successful
MEGAHITS     [megahit] (something that is extremely successful)
MEGASTAR     superstar
MEGASTARS    [megastar] (superstar)
MEMORISE     to commit to memory (memorize-Brit)
MEMORISED    [memorise] (to memorize)
MEMORISES    [memorise] (to memorize)
MEMORISING   [memorise] (to memorize)
MEZE         Greek appetizer
MEZES        [meze] (Greek appetizer)
MICROS       [micro] (microcomputer)
MIDSIZED     being of intermediate size
MIDSOLE      layer between the insole and outsole of a shoe
MIDSOLES     [midsole] (layer between the insole and outsole of a shoe)
MINICAMP     special short camp
MINICAMPS    [minicamp] (special short camp)
MINILAB      small retail film development outlet
MINILABS     [minilab] (small retail film development outlet)
MINIMILL     small-scale steel mill
MINIMILLS    [minimill] (small-scale steel mill)
MISSABLE     capable of being missed
MOANER       [moan-n] (to make a mournful sound)
MOANERS      [moaner] (moan-to make a mournful sound)
MOBLED       wrapped in a hood
MOC          soft leather heelless shoe (moccasin)
MOCS         [moc] (moccasin)
MOGGIE       cat (moggy-Brit)
MOGGIES      [moggy] (cat-Brit)
MOGGY        cat {Brit}
MONERAN      cellular organism with no distinct nucleus
MONERANS     [moneran] (cellular organism with no distinct nucleus)
MONEYMAN     financier
MONEYMEN     [moneyman] (financier)
MONOHULL     single-hulled vessel
MONOHULLS    [monohull] (single-hulled vessel)
MOONDUST     fine dry particles of the moon's soil
MOONDUSTS    [moondust] (fine dry particles of the moon's soil)
MORGAN       unit of distance between genes on a chromosome
MORGANS      [morgan] (unit of distance between genes on a chromosome)
MOUSSED      [mousse] (to style hair using mousse)
MOUSSING     [mousse] (to style hair using mousse)
MUDFLAT      flat muddy area
MUDFLATS     [mudflat] (flat muddy area)
MUNI         municipal security
MUNIS        [muni] (municipal security)
MYTHIER      [mythy] (resembling myth)
MYTHIEST     [mythy] (resembling myth)
MYTHY        resembling myth
NAAN         Indian flat round leavened bread (nan)
NAANS        [naan] (Indian flat round leavened bread-nan)
NADA         nothing
NADAS        [nada] (nothing)
NAN          Indian flat round leavened bread
NANDINA      Asian evergreen shrub
NANDINAS     [nandina] (Asian evergreen shrub)
NANS         [nan] (Indian flat round leavened bread)
NEARSIDE     left-hand side {Brit}
NEARSIDES    [nearside] (left-hand side)
NEBBISHY     meekly
NERDIER      [nerdy] (characteristic of a nerd)
NERDIEST     [nerdy] (characteristic of a nerd)
NERDISH      nerdy
NIOBATE      chemical salt
NIOBATES     [niobate] (chemical salt)
NIPPLED      [nipple-adj] (protuberance on the breast)
NITE         night
NITERIE      nightclub (nitery)
NITES        [nite] (night)
NITPICKIER   [nitpicky] (tending to nitpick)
NITPICKIEST  [nitpicky] (tending to nitpick)
NITPICKY     tending to nitpick
NOIR         shadowy crime film
NOIRISH      [noir-adj] (shadowy crime film)
NOIRS        [noir] (shadowy crime film)
NONBANKS     [nonbank] (nonbanking institution which provides banking services)
NONCOLA      being a soft drink that is not a cola
NONGUEST     one who is not an invited guest
NONGUESTS    [nonguest] (one who is not an invited guest)
NONLABOR     not involving labor
NONMETRO     not metropolitan
NONOILY      not oily
NONPAID      not paid
NONPOINT     not occurring at a single well-defined point
NONSTYLE     method with no discernable style
NONSTYLES    [nonstyle] (method with no discernable style)
NONWAR       war which hasn't officially been declared
NONWARS      [nonwar] (war which hasn't officially been declared)
NONWORK      not related to work
NORI         dried pressed seaweed
NORIS        [nori] (dried pressed seaweed)
NORMANDE     prepared with traditional Normandy food
NOTICER      [notice-n] (to become aware of)
NOTICERS     (noticer) [notice-to become aware of)
NOUVELLE     pert. to nouvelle cuisine
NUTCASE      crazy person
NUTCASES     [nutcase] (crazy person)
OBJET        unusual object (objet d'art)
OBJETS       [objet] (unusual object)
OCULI        [oculus-pl] (round window)
OCULUS       round window
OFFCUT       undesirable part which is cut off {Brit}
OFFCUTS      [offcut] (undesirable part which is cut off)
ONIONY       [onion-adj] (edible bulb of a cultivated herb)
ONSTREAM     in production
OPENCAST     worked from a surface open to the air {Brit}
ORTHOSES     [orthosis-pl] (brace for weak joints or muscles)
ORTHOSIS     brace for weak joints or muscles
OSMOLE       unit of osmotic pressure (osmol)
OSMOLES      [osmole] (unit of osmotic pressure-osmol)
OUTBOUGHT    [outbuy-conj] (to surpass in buying)
OUTBUY       to surpass in buying
OUTBUYING    [outbuy] (to surpass in buying)
OUTBUYS      [outbuy] (to surpass in buying)
OUTPOWER     to surpass in powering
OUTPOWERED   [outpower] (to surpass in powering)
OUTPOWERING  [outpower] (to surpass in powering)
OUTPOWERS    [outpower] (to surpass in powering)
OUTSLICK     to get the better of by trickery
OUTSLICKED   [outslick] (to get the better of by trickery)
OUTSLICKING  [outslick] (to get the better of by trickery)
OUTSLICKS    [outslick] (to get the better of by trickery)
OVERAGED     too old
OVERCUT      to cut too much
OVERCUTS     [overcut] (to cut too much)
OVERCUTTING  [overcut] (to cut too much)
OVERDOG      one that is favored to win a contest
OVERDOGS     [overdog] (one that is favored to win a contest)
OZONATE      to treat with ozone
OZONATED     [ozonate] (to treat with ozone)
OZONATES     [ozonate] (to treat with ozone)
OZONATING    [ozonate] (to treat with ozone)
PABLUM       bland writing
PABLUMS      [pablum] (bland writing)
PAKEHA       person not of Maori descent
PAKEHAS      [pakeha] (person not of Maori descent)
PANCETTA     unsmoked bacon {Italian}
PANCETTAS    [pancetta] (unsmoked bacon-Italian)
PAREO        Polynesian garment (pareu)
PAREOS       [pareo] (Polynesian garment-pareu)
PARSLEYED    garnished with parsley
PARSLIED     garnished with parsley (parsleyed)
PARVO        contagious disease of dogs (parvovirus)
PARVOS       [parvo] (contagious disease of dogs)
PASTLESS     having no past
PAVLOVA      dessert {Aussie}
PAVLOVAS     [pavlova] (dessert-Aussie)
PEC          pectoral muscle
PEDALO       small pedal-powered paddleboat
PEDALOS      [pedalo] (small pedal-powered paddleboat)
PENNE        short tubular pasta
PERUKED      [peruke-adj] (wig)
PESTIER      [pesty] (annoying)
PESTIEST     [pesty] (annoying)
PESTY        annoying
PIGLIKE      resembling a pig
PIKI         thin bread made from blue cornmeal
PIKIS        [piki] (thin bread made from blue cornmeal)
PINWHEELED   [pinwheel] (to move like a pinwheel)
PINWHEELING  [pinwheel] (to move like a pinwheel)
PIQUANCE     quality of being piquant
PIQUANCES    [piquance] (quality of being piquant)
PISO         Phillipine peso
PISOS        [piso] (Phillipine peso)
PLOTLINE     story line
PLOTLINES    [plotline] (story line)
PLUMERIA     tropical American shrub
PLUMERIAS    [plumeria] (tropical American shrub)
POISHA       coin of Bangladesh
POLYNYI      [polynya-pl] (area of open water surrounded by sea ice)
PORNIER      [porny] (pornographic)
PORNIEST     [porny] (pornographic)
PORRIDGY     [porridge-adj] (soft food)
PORTERED     [porter] (to carry luggage)
PORTERING    [porter] (to carry luggage)
POSTDOC      one engaged in postdoctoral research
POSTDOCS     [postdoc] (one engaged in postdoctoral research)
POSTFIRE     following a fire
POSTSHOW     following a show
POSTTAX      occurring after taxation
POTZER       inept chess player (patzer)
POTZERS      [potzer] (inept chess player-patzer)
PREBAKE      to bake beforehand
PREBAKED     [prebake] (to bake beforehand)
PREBAKES     [prebake] (to bake beforehand)
PREBAKING    [prebake] (to bake beforehand)
PREBOOK      to book beforehand
PREBOOKED    [prebook] (to book beforehand)
PREBOOKING   [prebook] (to book beforehand)
PREBOOKS     [prebook] (to book beforehand)
PREMADE      made beforehand
PREQUEL      story set in an earlier time than a previous one
PREQUELS     [prequel] (story set in an earlier time than a previous one)
PRETERM      pert. to premature birth
PRION        protein particle
PRIONS       [prion] (protein particle)
PROBABLES    [probable] (something probable)
PRUNUS       rose shrub
PRUNUSES     [prunus] (rose shrub)
PUMMELO      grapefruit-like fruit (pumelo)
PUMMELOS     [pummelo] (grapefruit-like fruit)
PUNKERS      [punker] (punk rock musician)
PUNKISH      resembling punk
QUAALUDE     methaqualone pill
QUAALUDES    [quaalude] (methaqualone pill)
QUINTA       Latin American country villa
QUINTAS      [quinta] (Latin American country villa)
QUIPPER      [quip-n] (to make witty remarks)
QUIPPERS     [quipper] (quip-to make witty remarks)
QUIRKISH     peculiar (quirky)
QWERTY       standard typewriter keyboard layout
QWERTYS      [qwerty] (standard typewriter keyboard layout)
RADWASTE     radioactive waste
RADWASTES    [radwaste] (radioactive waste)
RAPINI       immature turnip plants (rappini)
RAPPELED     [rappel] (to descend using a rope)
RAPPELING    [rappel] (to descend using a rope)
RATBAG       disagreeable person {Aussie}
RATBAGS      [ratbag] (disagreeable person-Aussie)
RATCHETED    [ratchet] (to use a ratchet to move slowly in one direction)
RATCHETING   [ratchet] (to use a ratchet to move slowly in one direction)
RAUNCH       vulgarity
RAUNCHES     [raunch] (vulgarity)
READERLY     pert. to a reader
REBAR        steel bar used to reinforce concrete
REBARS       [rebar] (steel bar used to reinforce concrete)
REBEGAN      [rebegin-conj] (to begin again)
REBEGIN      to begin again
REBEGINNING  [rebegin] (to begin again)
REBEGINS     [rebegin] (to begin again)
REBEGUN      [rebegin-conj] (to begin again)
REBOOT       to restart a computer
REBOOTED     [reboot] (to restart a computer)
REBOOTING    [reboot] (to restart a computer)
REBOOTS      [reboot] (to restart a computer)
REBRED       [rebreed-conj] (to breed again)
REBREED      to breed again
REBREEDING   [rebreed] (to breed again)
REBREEDS     [rebreed] (to breed again)
RECCE        reconnaissance
RECCES       [recce] (reconnaissance)
RECUSAL      disqualification of a judge due to conflict of interest
RECUSALS     [recusal] (disqualification of a judge due to conflict of interest)
REDIALED     [redial] (to dial again)
REDIALING    [redial] (to dial again)
REDIALLED    [redial] (to dial again)
REDIALLING   [redial] (to dial again)
REDIALS      [redial] (to dial again)
REEDLIKE     resembling a reed
REEFABLE     capable of being reefed
REEXPOSE     to expose again
REEXPOSED    [reexpose] (to expose again)
REEXPOSES    [reexpose] (to expose again)
REEXPOSING   [reexpose] (to expose again)
RELOOK       to look again
RELOOKED     [relook] (to look again)
RELOOKING    [relook] (to look again)
RELOOKS      [relook] (to look again)
REMAKER      [remake-n] (to make again)
REMAKERS     [remaker] (remake-to make again)
REPATCH      to patch again
REPATCHED    [repatch] (to patch again)
REPATCHES    [repatch] (to patch again)
REPATCHING   [repatch] (to patch again)
RERIG        to rig again
RERIGGED     [rerig] (to rig again)
RERIGGING    [rerig] (to rig again)
RERIGS       [rerig] (to rig again)
RESTOKE      to stoke again
RESTOKED     [restoke] (to stoke again)
RESTOKES     [restoke] (to stoke again)
RESTOKING    [restoke] (to stoke again)
RETILE       to tile again
RETILED      [retile] (to tile again)
RETILES      [retile] (to tile again)
RETILING     [retile] (to tile again)
RETINOID     vitamin A-like chemical compound
RETINOIDS    [retinoid] (vitamin A-like chemical compound)
RINGGITS     [ringgit] (Malaysian monetary unit)
RISKLESS     involving no risk
ROADKILL     animal killed by a motor vehicle
ROADKILLS    [roadkill] (animal killed by a motor vehicle)
ROBUSTA      African coffee
ROBUSTAS     [robusta] (African coffee)
ROCAILLE     style of architecture and decoration (rococo)
ROCAILLES    [rocaille] (rococo)
RODEOED      [rodeo] (to participate in a rodeo)
RODEOING     [rodeo] (to participate in a rodeo)
ROLF         to perform a deep muscle massage on
ROLFED       [rolf] (to perform a deep muscle massage on)
ROLFER       [rolf-n] (to perform a deep muscle massage on)
ROLFERS      [rolfer] (rolf-to perform a deep muscle massage on)
ROLFING      [rolf] (to perform a deep muscle massage on)
ROLFS        [rolf] (to perform a deep muscle massage on)
ROMANISE     to write in the Roman alphabet (romanize-Brit)
ROMANISED    [romanise] (to write in the Roman alphabet-romanize)
ROMANISES    [romanise] (to write in the Roman alphabet-romanize)
ROMANISING   [romanise] (to write in the Roman alphabet-romanize)
ROPELIKE     resembling a rope
ROTI         soft Indian flat bread
ROTIS        [roti] (soft Indian flat bread)
RUGOSA       garden rose
RUGOSAS      [rugosa] (garden rose)
RULIER       [ruly] (obedient)
RULIEST      [ruly] (obedient)
RULY         obedient
SALCHOW      figure-skating jump
SALCHOWS     [salchow] (figure-skating jump)
SANDSHOE     tennis shoe {Aussie}
SANDSHOES    [sandshoe] (tennis shoe)
SANTO        painted image of a saint {Mexico}
SANTOS       [santo] (painted image of a saint-Mexico)
SCOPED       [scope] (to view for the purpose of evaluation)
SCOPING      [scope] (to view for the purpose of evaluation)
SCUMBAG      contemptible person
SCUMBAGS     [scumbag] (contemptible person)
SEAGULL      aquatic bird
SEAGULLS     [seagull] (aquatic bird)
SEMEMIC      [sememe-adj] (meaning of a morpheme)
SENTE        monetary unit of Lesotho
SERRANO      small Mexican hot pepper
SERRANOS     [serrano] (small Mexican hot pepper)
SHEDLIKE     resembling a shed
SHEQALIM     [sheqel-pl] (Israeli monetary unit)
SHEQEL       Israeli monetary unit
SHIITAKE     dark Oriental mushroom
SHIITAKES    [shiitake] (dark Oriental mushroom)
SHITAKE      dark Oriental mushroom (shiitake)
SHITAKES     [shitake] (dark Oriental mushroom-shiitake)
SHOWABLE     capable of being shown
SHOWBIZ      show business
SHOWBIZZES   [showbiz] (show business)
SHOWERER     [shower-n] (to rain briefly)
SHOWERERS    [showerer] (shower-to rain briefly)
SHOWRING     ring for showing animals
SHOWRINGS    [showring] (ring for showing animals)
SIXTYISH     being about sixty
SKOSH        smidgen
SKOSHES      [skosh] (smidgen)
SKYBOX       room containing private luxurious stadium seats
SKYBOXES     [skybox] (room containing private luxurious stadium seats)
SLIMMERS     [slimmer] (dieter-Brit)
SLOBBIER     [slobby] (resembling a slob)
SLOBBIEST    [slobby] (resembling a slob)
SLOBBY       resembling a slob
SLUTTIER     [slutty] (resembling a slut)
SLUTTIEST    [slutty] (resembling a slut)
SLUTTY       resembling a slut
SMARMILY     [smarmy-adv] (marked by excessive flattery)
SMECTITE     soft clayey mineral (montmorillonite)
SMECTITES    [smectite] (soft clayey mineral)
SMIDGE       very small amount (smidgen)
SMIDGES      [smidge] (smidgen)
SNAKEBIT     unlucky
SNARKIER     [snarky] (crotchety)
SNARKIEST    [snarky] (crotchety)
SNARKY       crotchety
SODOMIST     one who practices sodomy (sodomite)
SODOMISTS    [sodomist] (one who practices sodomy)
SOUNDMAN     person in charge of sound quality
SOUNDMEN     [soundman] (person in charge of sound quality)
SOURCED      [source] (to obtain from a source)
SOURCING     [source] (to obtain from a source)
SPARKLIER    [sparkly] (tending to sparkle)
SPARKLIEST   [sparkly] (tending to sparkle)
SPARKLY      tending to sparkle
SPARTAN      marked by frugality and self-discipline
SPAZZES      [spaz] (clumsy, incompetent person)
SPEARGUN     gun used to shoot spears
SPEARGUNS    [speargun] (gun used to shoot spears)
SPIKEY       having spikes
SPINACHY     resembling spinach
SPORTIF      sporty
STARSHIP     spaceship used for interstellar travel
STARSHIPS    [starship] (spaceship used for interstellar travel)
STATUSY      having high status
STEEPISH     relatively steep
STREEL       to saunter idly and aimlessly
STREELED     [streel] (to saunter idly and aimlessly)
STREELING    [streel] (to saunter idly and aimlessly)
STREELS      [streel] (to saunter idly and aimlessly)
STUDLIER     [studly] (muscularly attractive)
STUDLIEST    [studly] (muscularly attractive)
STUDLY       muscularly attractive
SUBCULT      subdivision of a cult
SUBCULTS     [subcult] (subdivision of a cult)
SUBMENU      subordinate menu
SUBMENUS     [submenu] (subordinate menu)
SUBSKILL     subordinate skill
SUBSKILLS    [subskill] (subordinate skill)
SUBWORLD     subordinate world
SUBWORLDS    [subworld] (subordinate world)
SUCTIONED    [suction] (to remove by sucking)
SUCTIONING   [suction] (to remove by sucking)
SUMMITED     [summit] (to participate in a summit conference)
SUMMITING    [summit] (to participate in a summit conference)
SUNBLOCK     preparation designed to block ultraviolet rays
SUNBLOCKS    [sunblock] (preparation designed to block ultraviolet rays)
SUNCHOKE     Jerusalem artichoke
SUNCHOKES    [sunchoke] (Jerusalem artichoke)
SUNDECK      top deck of a cruise ship
SUNDECKS     [sundeck] (top deck of a cruise ship)
SUNNAH       body of traditional Muslim law (sunna)
SUNNAHS      [sunnah] (body of traditional Muslim law-sunna)
SUNPORCH     enclosed porch with a sunny exposure
SUNPORCHES   [sunporch] (enclosed porch with a sunny exposure)
SUPERHOT     extremely hot
SUQ          marketplace (souk)
SUQS         [suq] (marketplace-souk)
SURIMI       cheap fish product
SWAGGIE      hobo (swagman)
SWAGGIES     [swaggie] (hobo-swagman)
SWIFTLET     Asian cave-dwelling bird
SWIFTLETS    [swiftlet] (Asian cave-dwelling bird)
SYNAPSID     extinct reptile
SYNAPSIDS    [synapsid] (extinct reptile)
SYPH         venereal disease (syphilis)
SYPHS        [syph] (syphilis)
SYSOP        computer bulletin board operator
SYSOPS       [sysop] (computer bulletin board operator)
TABUN        nerve gas
TABUNS       [tabun] (nerve gas)
TALLIS       Jewish prayer shawl (tallis)
TALLISIM     [tallis-pl] (Jewish prayer shawl-tallith)
TANKLIKE     resembling a tank
TANUKI       Asian dog with a raccoon face
TANUKIS      [tanuki] (Asian dog with a raccoon face)
TATTIE       potato
TATTIES      [tattie] (potato)
TECHIE       technician
TECHIES      [techie] (technician)
TEMPED       [temp] (to work as a temporary worker)
TEMPING      [temp] (to work as a temporary worker)
TENNIES      tennis shoes
TERAWATT     unit of power equal to one trillion watts
TERAWATTS    [terawatt] (unit of power equal to one trillion watts)
TIDDLER      small fish
TIDDLERS     [tiddler] (small fish)
TIMELINE     schedule of events
TIMELINES    [timeline] (schedule of events)
TIMOLOL      beta blocker
TIMOLOLS     [timolol] (beta blocker)
TIRAMISU     Italian dessert
TIRAMISUS    [tiramisu] (Italian dessert)
TOPLINE      outline of the top of an animal
TOPLINES     [topline] (outline of the top of an animal)
TORCHIEST    [torchy] (pert. to a torch song)
TORCHY       pert. to a torch song
TOXICS       [toxic] (toxic substance)
TRAPLINE     series of traps
TRAPLINES    [trapline] (series of traps)
TRIAGED      [triage] (to treat disaster victims using the triage system)
TRIAGING     [triage] (to treat disaster victims using the triage system)
TRIPPIER     [trippy] (psychedelic)
TRIPPIEST    [trippy] (psychedelic)
TRIPPY       psychedelic
TRISHAW      three-wheeled pedaled passenger vehicle
TRISHAWS     [trishaw] (three-wheeled pedaled passenger vehicle)
TRUCKFUL     amount held by a truck
TRUCKFULS    [truckful] (amount held by a truck)
TUCKSHOP     confectionery {Brit}
TUCKSHOPS    [tuckshop] (confectionery)
TUMPED       [tump] (to tip over accidentally)
TUMPING      [tump] (to tip over accidentally)
TURK         young person eager for change
TURKS        [turk] (young person eager for change)
TWINGEING    [twinge] (to affect with a sharp pain)
TYER         [tie-n] (to fasten with a cord or rope)
TYERS        [tyer] (tie-to fasten with a cord or rope)
ULTRAHIP     extremely hip
UNBAN        to remove a ban
UNBANNING    [unban] (to remove a ban)
UNBANS       [unban] (to remove a ban)
UNCUFF       to remove handcuffs from
UNCUFFING    [uncuff] (to remove handcuffs from)
UNCUFFS      [uncuff] (to remove handcuffs from)
UNDEAD       zombie
UNDUBBED     unnamed
UNGROUND     not ground
UNMINED      not yet mined
UNMIX        to sort out mixed items
UNMIXES      [unmix] (to sort out mixed items)
UNMIXING     [unmix] (to sort out mixed items)
UNPEELED     not peeled
UNSTAYED     not stayed
UPCOAST      up the coast
UPLINK       earth facility used to transmit to a spacecraft
UPLINKS      [uplink] (earth facility used to transmit to a spacecraft)
UPLOAD       to transfer to a remote computer
UPLOADED     [upload] (to transfer to a remote computer)
UPLOADING    [upload] (to transfer to a remote computer)
UPLOADS      [upload] (to transfer to a remote computer)
UPRATE       to upgrade
UPRATED      [uprate] (to upgrade)
UPRATES      [uprate] (to upgrade)
UPRATING     [uprate] (to upgrade)
UPSCALED     [upscale] (to improve in order to target wealthier consumers)
UPSCALES     [upscale] (to improve in order to target wealthier consumers)
UPSCALING    [upscale] (to improve in order to target wealthier consumers)
VINDALOO     Indian curried dish
VINDALOOS    [vindaloo] (Indian curried dish)
VITREOUSES   [vitreous] (clear jelly filling the eyeball)
VOGUED       [vogue] (to copy fashion model poses)
VOGUEING     [vogue] (to copy fashion model poses)
VOGUING      [vogue] (to copy fashion model poses)
WAFFLER      [waffle-n] (to talk foolishly)
WAFFLERS     [waffler] (waffle-to talk foolishly)
WAIFLIKE     resembling a homeless child
WEASELY      resembling a weasel (weaselly)
WEBWORK      web (network)
WEBWORKS     [webwork] (web)
WHATNESS     true nature of a thing (quiddity)
WHATNESSES   [whatness] (true nature of a thing)
WHATSIS      thingamajig
WHATSISES    [whatsis] (thingamajig)
WHATSIT      thingamajig
WHATSITS     [whatsit] (thingamajig)
WHEYLIKE     resembling whey
WIDEOUT      wide receiver {football}
WIDEOUTS     [wideout] (wide receiver)
WIFTIER      [wifty] (ditsy)
WIFTIEST     [wifty] (ditsy)
WIFTY        ditsy
WIMPIER      [wimpy] (weak)
WIMPIEST     [wimpy] (weak)
WINDSURF     to ride a sailboard
WINDSURFED   [windsurf] (to ride a sailboard)
WINDSURFING  sport of sailboard riding
WINDSURFS    [windsurf] (to ride a sailboard)
WOOLLED      [wool-adj] (dense, soft hair forming the coat of certain mammals)
WOOLLILY     [woolly-adv] (consisting of or resembling wool)
WUSS         wimp
WUSSES       [wuss] (wimp)
WUSSIER      [wussy] (wimpy)
WUSSIES      [wussy] (wimp)
WUSSIEST     [wussy] (wimpy)
WUSSY        wimp/wimpy
WUTHER       to blow with a dull roaring sound
WUTHERED     [wuther] (to blow with a dull roaring sound)
WUTHERING    [wuther] (to blow with a dull roaring sound)
WUTHERS      [wuther] (to blow with a dull roaring sound)
XEROX        to reproduce by xerography
XEROXED      [xerox] (to reproduce by xerography)
XEROXES      [xerox] (to reproduce by xerography)
XEROXING     [xerox] (to reproduce by xerography)
YO           intj. used to call attention
YUCA         tropical plant (cassava)
YUCAS        [yuca] (tropical plant-cassava)
YUPS         [yup] (yuppie)
ZERK         grease fitting
ZERKS        [zerk] (grease fitting)
ZESTER       small utensil used to obtain a small lemon or orange peel
ZESTERS      [zester] (small utensil used to obtain a small lemon or orange peel)
ZESTLESS     having no zest
ZIN          zinfandel
ZINS         [zin] (zinfandel)
ZOECIA       [zoecium-pl] (secreted chamber in which a zooid lives)
ZOECIUM      secreted chamber in which a zooid lives (zooecium)
ZOMBIFIED    [zombify] (to turn into a zombie)
ZOMBIFIES    [zombify] (to turn into a zombie)
ZOMBIFY      to turn into a zombie
ZOMBIFYING   [zombify] (to turn into a zombie)
ZOOECIA      [zooecium-pl] (secreted chamber in which a zooid lives)
ZOOECIUM     secreted chamber in which a zooid lives
ZOOTIER      [zooty] (flashy)
ZOOTIEST     [zooty] (flashy)
ZOOTY        flashy
San Jose Scrabble® Club No. 21
Director: Rick Wong

Last modified: G2T (29 Feb 1996)